Welcome to Watering Seeds
There is extraordinary in everyone.
It is our responsibility to nurture that extraordinary.
Watering Seeds
is a not-for-profit workforce readiness and social justice program, providing professional development and executive-quality coaching services to first generation college students and diverse, untapped, and underestimated young adults.
Watering Seeds. Leveling the Field. Nurturing Extraordinary.

What is Watering Seeds?
The Watering Seeds program is designed to ensure diverse, untapped, and underestimated graduates succeed, with the support of local corporations, local chambers of commerce, universities and other organizations.
Watering Seeds helps individuals progress from economic hardship, systemic, historical and first-generation challenges, and succeed.
“Success” is not graduation from college, but long-term financial self-sustainability.
Watering Seeds provides coaching and professional development support to these young adults, delivering a bridge from college, a foundation, and a safety net in those early working years.

The Meisel & Pesses
Family Foundation

Programs & Partners
Why Watering Seeds?
Existing programs, both internal and external to universities, do an excellent job of helping young adults move through college and graduate, but the support those programs provide ends as the students prepare to leave academia and move into the working world.
There is a “post-graduation gap.”
The Watering Seeds program complements existing career services. It provides graduates a foundation built on professional development and one-on-one coaching, assuring they succeed.

The Benefits of Watering Seeds
For students, the goal is to transition successfully from school to the professional world, and then
become economically self-sufficient.

Complements and extends (not replace) the services provided by current Career Planning & Services offices
Skill Building

Understanding what is expected of them in their new workplaces
Building important skills in communication, collaboration, networking, time management and professional presence
Developing an action plan for their first 6 months on the job to help them stabilize and prepare to succeed
Feeling supported, equipped and more confident as they make the transition to the business world

Next Gen
Develops a pipeline of well-prepared capable graduates, ready to contribute to the organization's success
Gains further insight into the key challenges and opportunities students face after graduation
Develops the next generation of leaders equipped to navigate today's work environment
Creates a more diverse, fair, and inclusive set of corporate and civic leaders
For the partner and funding organizations, the goal is to assure a well-prepared and capable cadre of young adults, ready to join the workforce, ensuring they are prepared for and able to succeed.
Your Support of the Watering Seeds Foundation enables:
Direct support of new and recent graduates as they move into their business career
Matching with 3 experienced coaches from which they can choose the best fit
1-on-1 and group coaching experiences to build skills, network, confidence, and presence
Personalized sessions focused on the individual's specific needs and facilitated by their coach
Follow-up recommendations and action items to help focus and progress between sessions
Multi-Year, ongoing support to provide a coaching "safety net" when needed
Watering Seeds Foundation, Inc. is a Georgia nonprofit corporation operating through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund, a Maryland charitable trust recognized by IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178, ppf.org/pp).
Contributions to Watering Seeds Foundation are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Our Coaches
Quantuvos provides Watering Seeds with its diverse team of coaches representing a wide range of backgrounds. Their experience spans many decades across all industries, geographies and stages of one’s career.
Our coaches bring an approach that reflects our values of compassion, genuine interest in our clients, a personalized experience, and a commitment to helping everyone we serve achieve their best.